Financial Markets 

UK stripped of AAA rating by Big Two Credit Rating Agencies

On a day which has seen UK party politics in turmoil and the England national team crashing out of the EURO 2016 being defeated by microscopic Iceland, two of the three major international credit rating agencies have stripped the UK of its top credit rating, making it more expensive for households, companies and UK government alike to borrow money. The rating was downgraded by two notches, from AAA to AA, by Standard & Poors and by one notch from AA+ to AA by Fitch. UK Growth forecasts were downgraded as well,…

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Financial Markets UK Politics 

Markets Continue to Drop in Wake of Brexit – But Not as much as Expected

The markets continued to drop in early trading on June 27 following the Brexit referendum. Although the massive drops predicted in the early hours after the vote has yet to materialize, the Pound is trading at its lowest level against the US dollar for about 30 years, and the FTSE is a further 2% down compared to the Friday closing level, and is now trading dangerously close to the 6,000 points mark. It is being speculated that the – after all – less-than-expected fall is in part due to increasing doubts over whether the UK will actually…

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