Brexit sign Financial Markets UK Politics 

Waters have Settled amid Huge Doubts about Brexit

Almost two weeks after the crucial Brexit vote, the waters seems to have settled down a bit both in the UK and in the rest of the European Union. Paradoxically, however, the number of unknown factors have increased significantly since the vote, and how it will all turn out in the end is anybody’s guess. The major UK parties are all but leaderless, as David Cameron has announced his intention to resign, and Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn is basically without support among his own MPs, making any opinion he may…

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European Commission International Politics 

Brexit Discussions in Bruxelles

The discussions about what to do after the Brexit referendum has moved to Bruxelles, where there has been a number of meetings in the Council of Ministers, the European Parliament and the European Commission in recent days. At a meeting in the European Parliament, a smug and bellicose Nigel Farage told his fellow parliamentarians that Isn’t it funny? When I came here 17 years ago and I said that I wanted to lead a campaign go get Britain out of the European Union, you all laughed at me. Well, I…

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Financial Markets UK Politics 

Markets Continue to Drop in Wake of Brexit – But Not as much as Expected

The markets continued to drop in early trading on June 27 following the Brexit referendum. Although the massive drops predicted in the early hours after the vote has yet to materialize, the Pound is trading at its lowest level against the US dollar for about 30 years, and the FTSE is a further 2% down compared to the Friday closing level, and is now trading dangerously close to the 6,000 points mark. It is being speculated that the – after all – less-than-expected fall is in part due to increasing doubts over whether the UK will actually…

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