UK Politics 

Theresa May to Become PM in Yet Another Brexit Surprise

There seems to be no bounds to the surprises that the aftermath of the Brexit referendum will yield. Before the results of the Brexit referendum became known, David Cameron was expected to stay on at least for the preliminary negotiations with the EU about the UK steeping out. As the result became clear, Cameron announced his intention to stand down as PM with a successor being appointed at the Conservative party conference in October. Former Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, was widely expected to stand for the leadership, but following…

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UK Politics 

Leadsom retires from Tory Leadership Race – May Poised to become PM

Tory Brexitter and leadership contender Andrea Leadsom has withdrawn from the Conservative Party leadership race, leaving Theresa May as the only candidate and probable next PM of the United Kingdom. Leadsom was seen as a new bright star of the Conservative party following her contribution to the Leave campaign, and she was not tainted by the post-referendum in-fight between former allies Michael Gove and Boris Johnson. Although Theresa May had the support of the majority of the Conservative parliamentary party, Leadsom was considered to have a good chance of securing a majority…

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UK Politics 

Tories in Shock as Boris Declines to Stand for PM

In a move,which seemed to surprise even his closest colleagues and supporters, Boris Johnson earlier today declined to stand as leader of the Conservative Party and as the next PM of the United Kingdom.  Johnson announced his intention not to stand at a much anticipated press conference expected to be his campaign launch. He began his speech, held at St. Ermin’s Hotel close to the Palace of Westminster, by outlining what he called “the agenda for the next Prime Minister of this country”.  But just as cheers and celebrations were…

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